Be part of your community

At Mixemapp, we make it easy for people to build or join a community of their liking. You no longer need to worry about finding your crowd as we will equip you with the tools to get you started.
Events that can be created using Mixemapp
Different events that can be created using Mixem.
A event sceen for pickup basketball

Find your crowd

Mixemapp helps people find their community quicker by reducing the degrees of separation and connecting them through their common interests.​ When you sign up with your student email you'll be able to see the exclusive events posted by other students

Start your own community

Creating your own event has never been easier. Use our app to create an event of your own which everyone in your community will be able to see and join. If you are a student you'll have the option between posting an event for anyone to attend or just other students at your school
Form for creating events
Illustration of event analytics

Event performance analytics

Use Mixemapp to monitor your events and we will give you insights to plan for the future.

Become an affiliate

The Mixemapp new affiliate program helps content creators, publishers, and website owners monetize their traffic.
Start earning from every user that signs up to the mixemapp, and earn even more if that user creates an event in any category.
The best part, you do not have to convince your viewers to purchase anything, they just need to download a free app, and earn more if they post an event on the app.
If you are interested to become Mixemapp affiliate send us an email at
A social media influencer creating content.